Important Announcements!

As we prepare to begin the new school year we do so with a mixture of excitement and concerns. This Thursday at 5:30pm our Principal, Mrs. Watkins Williams, and Assistant Principal, Mr. Salgado, will hold an informational session via Zoom. They will outline the ways PS16 Main building and PS16 Annex have been preparing to welcome back students following Covid Protocols. The Zoom link will be shared via our website on Thursday afternoon.

Also on Thursday September 2nd the Historic Paulus Hook Association (HPHA) will be holding their monthly meeting at 7:30pm at Paulus Hook Park (friendly known as PS16 courtyard) In the event of rain the meeting will take place via Zoom and the link will be shared on their website The neighborhood association are strongly opposed to the gates being locked during school hours. Our children’s safety is at risk and we will continue to advocate for our students.

BUILDING TOURS: On Friday there will an abbreviated tour of both of our school buildings for those who may be interested. The schedule is as follows;

  • MAIN BUILDING (Sussex Street) Grades 2-5 will take place at 10am to 10:15am
  • ANNEX (275 Washington Street) Grades K & 1st will take place at 10:45 to 11am

In order to adhere to social distancing rules there will only be one adult per household permitted and NO CHILDREN. Please remember that our custodians are hard at work getting both buildings ready to welcome our students so we ask that you be respectful of all their continuing efforts.

UNIFORMS:We are expecting delivery of our uniform order from the supplier on Friday. Our CPA volunteers will spend Friday afternoon and Tuesday morning packing our pre-orders. On Tuesday afternoon (September 7th) we will begin distributing our pre-orders at the following times;

  • 1:00-1:30 – Kindergarten and 1st Grade
  • 1:30-2:00 – 2nd and 3rd Grades
  • 2:00-2:30 – 4th and 5th Grades

Please note that payments are required in CASH.

On Wednesday September 8th between 9am and 10am we will be selling uniforms for NEW STUDENTS only. We do have limited inventory but will also be taking new orders at that time. We do ask for patience with a friendly reminder that the CPA are all volunteers. This is the first time we have attempted to sell uniforms prior to school reopening. Usually uniforms are sold on open house night. Our Principal is very understanding of the fact that it may take a week or two for uniform orders to arrive after school begins. 

We can not wait to welcome all our boys and girls ‘home’ to PS16 and hear the sound of laughter in our classrooms once again! 

The CPA of PS16

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***If your child is no longer a PS16 student we ask that you unsubscribe from our mailing list